'Paint it right!' is an interactive short story. Follow Acuarela's thoughts as she presents her first exam in her art school. She'll do great, so will you. c:

She likes mice btw


Mouse and click. Select objects and draw something pretty!

My first jam experience:

This is all personal experience and stuff. You can skip this part if you want.

I have done some dev stuff before, but never alone and never actually mine. When I say this is my first game it isn't because I haven't coded anything before, but because I hadn't done a game I actually wanted to make. This didn't go as expected! Ironic, considering the jam's theme. I overscoped, aiming for four scenes and achieving only one (barely x3). Still, I'm happy I finished something. Everything is done by me! (except for dev tools, such as js language or phaser 3 framework, oc x3). I had to find a way to use my ugly drawings and including them into the story. Still, my art skills weren't enough for some stuff I wanted to do (for which I didn't have time anyway, lol). Coding wasn't easy either! I toke the jam as a challenge to use a framework which would allow me to do extremely light games (phaser 3 script, which works as an engine, is only about 7.6 KB). Everything is js + a little css + phaser 3. Music and sound was easy for me. I've done stuff before and my clear vision + the experience I had allowed me to get what I wanted in few time. Sadly, I didn't have time for theme variations, which would go in the other 3 scenes.

I'd love to know your opinions on the game. As I said, this wasn't quite the game I planed (but my priority system worked well so I achieved to make something 'presentable' x3), so, I'll save my pseudo-GDD and all the asets so maybe in the future, with more experience and maybe with a team, I'll make the game as I imagined, or maybe even better (that's why the title says 'jam edition').

Thanks for playing, and, if you did read, thanks for reading! <3 [also, long life to imperfection! keep doing stuff, keep loving :3]

~ Saangosu, the mooncat

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